Jill Hoffman Jill Hoffman

Unveiling the Power of 'Why': Embracing First Principles Thinking

In a fast-paced and complex world, it's easy to get caught up in the routine of accepting things as they are. As a result, we often find ourselves going through the motions without questioning the underlying reasons behind our actions, decisions, and beliefs. However, the art of questioning the 'why' can lead us to a realm of innovation, creativity, and deeper understanding. This is where first principles thinking comes into play, enabling us to challenge conventional wisdom and unlock new possibilities.

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Jill Hoffman Jill Hoffman

Exploring New Horizons: How Space Can Broaden Your Perspective

Space tourism is quickly becoming a reality, with private companies like SpaceX and Blue Origin offering trips to the edge of space for those who can afford it. But, beyond the thrill of weightlessness and the views of the Earth from above, space tourism has the potential to offer something even more valuable: a new perspective on life.

When we look at the world from above, whether from the International Space Station or a suborbital flight, we see the planet as a whole. We see the interconnectedness of all things, the beauty and fragility of our planet, and the potential for collaboration and cooperation across borders and cultures.

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Jill Hoffman Jill Hoffman

Seeing the World Differently: How to Gain a New Perspective on Life

Have you ever felt stuck in a rut, unable to see beyond your current circumstances? Or maybe you've felt like you are living in a bubble, only seeing the world through your limited perspective? It's a familiar feeling, but the good news is that it doesn't have to be permanent. With some effort and intention, gaining a new perspective on life and seeing the world through a different lens is possible.

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Jill Hoffman Jill Hoffman

The Superpower of the Beginner's Mind: Embrace Curiosity and Unlock Your Learning Potential

Recently, I stumbled upon an article discussing the concept of the beginner's mind in Zen Buddhism. I was fascinated by the idea that embracing a beginner's mindset could enhance our ability to learn new things and help us grow. The article explained that being a beginner enables us to learn faster and better, without the distractions of ego or the fear of failure.

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Jill Hoffman Jill Hoffman

Quiches and Being Socially Awkward

Two people were standing around the buffet table at an office holiday party. One looked at the other and said, "these are the worst cheesecake bites I've ever eaten." The other replied, "I think those are mini quiches." "In that case," the original person responded, "they're delicious."

I recently found myself at a similar holiday party. Looking across the room at the buffet table, I realized I knew no one. Attempting to socialize in a room full of strangers is not a unique experience.

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Jill Hoffman Jill Hoffman

Becoming “Them” Isn’t Half Bad

Today I crossed over to a new phase of life. I became one of "them." The others. We all see groups that are outside of our experience. Living life around us, almost living in a parallel existence. They are the dog owners to those of us without dogs. Or the free less living a life that is hard to imagine. They are a group of athletes to my fellow cohort of nonathletic people. We move aside to let them pass, knowing those groups are not for us. Until one day, they are. Then, we find ourselves with a dog, wearing a hot pink blazer, or, heaven forbid, playing on an organized kickball team. We become "them."

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Jill Hoffman Jill Hoffman

Why I Will Never Like Taylor Swift

Reading that 14 million people tried to buy Taylor Swift pre-sale tickets leaves me questioning why. I haven't heard her latest album and refuse to listen because of its popularity. I understand the dysfunctionality, but I'm sticking to my opinion even if her music might be something I enjoy. I simply won't allow it.

My anti-popularity personality trait stops me from wearing anything I see other people wearing and prevents me from enjoying the latest food craze. As a result, my poor husband is constantly missing out.

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Jill Hoffman Jill Hoffman

Whats More Important, Tweets or Followers?

I lose precisely one follower every time I tweet. It's been happening for a while. I once enjoyed the prestige of having over 3,000 followers. Today I'm down to 1884 followers. After I post this blog, it will fall to 1883. It's a phenomenon that makes me question if any tweet is worth bringing my false sense of importance closer to zero.

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Jill Hoffman Jill Hoffman

If No One Reads Your Posts, Do You Still Have a Blog?

If a tree falls in a forest and no one hears it, does it still make a sound? Is content still relevant if no one consumes it? So often, the most challenging part of being a creator is ignoring the nagging need for validation. We pour our hearts and souls into a piece, post it to the world and then try not to constantly check the number of clicks, likes, and views. We tell ourselves we do it as a creative outlet and are not concerned with the outcome, but we both know that isn't true. Low viewership on a post that took hours to research and write is a blow.

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Jill Hoffman Jill Hoffman

Never Throw Out The Ceremonial First Pitch

It is not often that I pick the "better to pass" option when faced with a new opportunity, but throwing the first pitch out at a professional baseball game is one of those times. At first, the offer appears to be a great honor. However, as time passes, realizing what is about to occur becomes real. Visions transforming into your favorite pitcher quickly dissolve into being the last kid picked in gym class. Like participating in "Dancing with the Stars," this experience is best left to the imagination, not displayed to millions of people.

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Jill Hoffman Jill Hoffman

How to Kill Your Neighbor’s Dog

I arrived at true adulthood with the purchase of my first house. My husband and I stretched every dollar we had to quantify for a 30-year adjustable-rate mortgage on a 1500-square-foot cottage just a few blocks from the peninsula edge of California's breathtaking Palos Verdes. After that, we had months of martinis on the patio at sunset until the day our neighbor's beloved German Shepard, Apollo, entered our lives.

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Jill Hoffman Jill Hoffman

Coziness of Being Ourselves

My adult daughter turned to me the other day and said the only time she feels totally at ease is when she is at home drinking with her family. Not sure what that says about my parenting style, but I would have to agree with her. There is something warm and safe about being around those you trust. People who love you unconditionally genuinely enjoy seeing the unedited version of you. There are few places in this world where you can get cozy with being yourself.

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Jill Hoffman Jill Hoffman

Upside Down Thanksgiving Potatoes

We've all heard of or experienced that awful occurrence when a new cook discovered the plastic wrapped giblets are still in the now cooked turkey or the ten o'clock thanksgiving dinner because the cook wildly underestimated the time it takes to defrost a turkey. For me, I'm guilty of both and have even served an uncooked turkey at a company potluck. Lucky I haven't poisoned anyone yet, but I have harmed a car with my now famous mashed potatoes.

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Jill Hoffman Jill Hoffman

Traveling Alone

Traveling alone gives a person an opportunity to fade into the background to become an observer rather than a participant.

It is my fourth morning sitting in the hotel cafe in Dubai. I'm here because of the last-minute decision to accompany my husband on a business trip. His dedicated work ethic has created my table for one.

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Jill Hoffman Jill Hoffman

What Does it Mean to “Wind the Clock”

Deciding to ask my self-proclaimed “golden armed fighter pilot” father to teach me how to fly probably wasn’t my easiest choice. I was a young woman who thought flying was second nature, and he was an instructor determined to change my mind.

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Jill Hoffman Jill Hoffman

5 Steps to Stop Tiny Annoyances From Ruining a Day

My mother-in-law mentioned that slapping people isn't an option, so she decided to stop going out. I'm sure she isn't alone. I think most of us try to be good people, but like hundred cuts as those minor annoyances build up during the day, we fight hard not to scream in the middle of the coffee shop. Unfortunately, speaking from experience, that will not make those annoyances disappear. Learning to prevent little things from building up can mean the difference between a good day and promising never to crawl out from under your bed covers again.

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Jill Hoffman Jill Hoffman

The Handling of Unruly Airline Passengers

Is it right to tape someone to an airline seat? Most people I ask immediately say, "Yes!" They remind me that there are rules on planes, and people must comply. With my strong aviation background and the memory of 9/11, I understand entirely and in no way side with anyone who has misbehaved on a flight, but the images of people taped to seats don't sit well with me. A better solution is something that deserves more thought.

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Jill Hoffman Jill Hoffman

Has the Vision of Space Tourism Taken a Wrong Turn?

The recent Virgin Galactic flight, which sent Richard Branson and his cohort to the edge of space, has turned me introspective. I waited two decades to see my Uncle's space tourism dream become a reality, but instead of joy, I felt a sense of loss. That girl who grew up around the pure spirit of adventure has turned skeptical. I wanted to join in on the excitement and celebrate, but I couldn't get past the commercialism of it all.

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Jill Hoffman Jill Hoffman

Why I’m Okay With My New Quiet Personality

I have an "inspiration" file located in the back of my two-drawer cabinet that I seek out in times of low creativity. Today I explored the file and came across my 2015 Strengths Finder Assessment. My top five themes were futuristic, significance, activator, ideation, and relator. It struck me how far I've moved away from these themes, and I wondered if I would ever see that version of myself again.

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