5 Steps to Stop Tiny Annoyances From Ruining a Day

My mother-in-law mentioned that slapping people isn't an option, so she decided to stop going out. I'm sure she isn't alone. I think most of us try to be good people, but like hundred cuts as those minor annoyances build up during the day, we fight hard not to scream in the middle of the coffee shop. Unfortunately, speaking from experience, that will not make those annoyances disappear. Learning to prevent little things from building up can mean the difference between a good day and promising never to crawl out from under your bed covers again.

1. Know your pet peeves. Understanding that things like loud chewing people who are chronically late, aggressive drivers, pushy passers-by, no situational awareness, and people who say "no offense" are triggers allow you to see them coming. So instead of trying to ignore a pet peeve, see it for what it is and step aside. Ignoring an itch will eventually make you respond with an overly aggressive scratch.

2. Remind yourself of the person you want to be. There is a split second between irritant and response. That is the magical time you can decide to be your ultimate self. Just before you get irritated at the person who cuts you off, choose to see that person as a working mom in a rush to pick up a child from the first day of school. You will never know why that person cut you off, so why not make it something worthwhile.

3. Avoid stockpiling emotions. Try to stop yourself from thinking, "Everyone is out to get me today." Instead, see each annoyance as an individual event and take nothing personally. For example, if a co-worker is snippy, take it as their lousy day, not yours. Then leave it there. Don't let it creep into your thoughts throughout the day. Instead, each time it mentally pops up, choose to shift to something positive.

4. Write it down. Sometimes it all becomes too much. During these times, it helps to get it all out on the page. Like letting the air out of a ballon, it revives the internal pressure. Seeing your emotions in words helps to explore them more clearly. As a result, a solution will often appear.

5. Be grateful. During those moments when you reach for your phone to check your social media, just before, stop and think of three things that you are thankful for in your day. At first, it might seem silly, but you will start to see the goodness in the day instead of those tiny annoyances.

So go out there and try not to slap anyone. Godspeed.


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