Why I Will Never Like Taylor Swift

Reading that 14 million people tried to buy Taylor Swift pre-sale tickets leaves me questioning why. I haven't heard her latest album and refuse to listen because of its popularity. I understand the dysfunctionality, but I'm sticking to my opinion even if her music might be something I enjoy. I simply won't allow it.

My anti-popularity personality trait stops me from wearing anything I see other people wearing and prevents me from enjoying the latest food craze. As a result, my poor husband is constantly missing out.

My reluctance applies to Yelp reviews too. If a restaurant is too well-loved, I will skip it for one with fewer reviews. This behavior has been going on for as long as I remember. I never liked the sitcom Friends, and don't get me started on Harry Potter. Well, maybe I'm too harsh on Mr. Potter because I never actually read the books because they were too popular.

I can finally start wearing my skinny jeans again because they have fallen out of style. GenZ says the middle part is the only way to style hair. Hello, side part. I reject cauliflower pizza crust, pumpkin spiced anything, and opt for the least popular options. I defend In-N-Out on the east coast and only crave Five Guys while visiting the west. And the fact that I've written this and not ranting about it on a podcast should say something.

I drive a Tesla, which makes me uncomfortable whenever two others pull up next to me at intersections. However, if Elon keeps it up with Twitter, I think I will feel more comfortable. I only started driving electric cars when they weren't popular, and now I'm stuck with them.

My need to be different resulted from idolizing the coolest punk rock girl in middle school—no one else dressed in leather and red plaid like Teva. Everything from her piercings to her Doc Marten boots represented the spirit of someone who truly understood life. I never wanted to be like the other kids; I wanted to be like Teva. However, I wasn't brave enough. My pink plaid mini skirt just didn't cut it.

I'm still looking to be the cool kid on campus by refusing to follow trends. I still can't bring myself to get a second piercing in one ear, and auburn is the closest my hair will ever get to something wild. But that middle schooler in me is satisfied to dismiss Taylor Swift outright for being too mainstream.

Once everything gets sorted, millions of you will buy your Taylor Swift tickets. I hope you enjoy your concert. However, I have chosen to instead pick up some Stouffer's lasagna for a fun evening of Wii Sports and possibly rewatch a favorite, Speed 2.


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